Ok, lets not do that. Perhaps later.
Alright lets talk about me and the stuff that I like. Todays thing that I adore is wasabi peanuts. Everyone here has had wasabi peas at one time or another, but this is what troubles me about those - they're peas. Peas suck. They are essentially tasteless, composed mostly of water and a greenish, stringy pea skin. They make lousy soup. If you like peas, fuck you, is what im saying. Go somewhere else and read.
Peanuts, on the other hand, are awesome. They are crunchy, salty, great raw or roasted or made into that amazing Thai sauce. They even make a great (cold) soup. Now, I will admit that wasabi peas are pretty good . . . as far as they go. But in my mind, I cannot escape the fact, that crunchy nose tingling outside aside, they are still mushy green booger balls. The wasabi is doing all the work, people.
Now, picture a peanut in your mind, larger and more satisfying than any mere pea, heavily coated in a white wasabi powder shell. It is about the size of a raisinette (sp?), so what the hell, picture of handful of these wizards. Imagine the feel of them resting in your palm, potential energy, potential sensory delight. Yes, I can see you have the image now, good job.
Ok, here comes the hard part, toss one in your mouth, and try to remember what it tastes like. I know you haven't tasted it yet, but try to remember what it will taste like when you try some. . . .
Ok, so perhaps just get a bag. I got mine at the meritt, but they would prolly have them at whole foods or traders joes or whatever.
I'm happy to share in those peanuts, if you have more.
I'm tired of the fascination with wasabi. It does not have flavor, only pain. I'm not a spice wuss, I thoroughly enjoy many flavorful spicy dishes and sauces. Wasabi, though, lacks flavor, in my brain, it only registers as pain on my tongue. Why would I put this in my mouth? Why would I defile delicious peanuts with wasabi when salt does such an excellent job?
Wasabi clears your sinuses, and probably eliminates the need to make that awful phlegm hocking sound. Maybe you should try it, Andy. Please.
Wasabi is usually just horseradish. If you like horseradish, then you will like wasabi. It's also an excellent anti-parasite agent.
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